I’m a pet sitter
- ★ How do I become a pet sitter or dog walker on Rover?
- How do I become a dog trainer on Rover?
- Fees and rates in California
- Becoming a sitter: Frequently asked questions
- What are the service fees?
- Is Rover free?
- ★ What if I need to cancel a booking?
- ★ How do I modify a booking?
- ★ How do I manage a recurring service?
- Automated records for last-minute cancellations
- Feedback Feature for Sitters
- What's the difference between pet feedback and pet notes?
- Can I appeal Rover’s decision to deactivate my account?
- Viewing booking details on calendar
- How do I set pet and booking preferences?
- How do I manage my availability?
- How do I modify or remove my services?
- How do I deactivate my Rover account?
- ★ How do I get paid for bookings?
- Rover Partnership With Found
- Updates to sitter payout options
- What's an Extended Care rate?
- How do payments and rates work for a recurring service?
- Viewing and managing payments
- ★ What are Rover Cards and how do I send them?
- What is the Star Sitter program?
- What do the insights on my dashboard mean?
- Where can I find more information about local business licensing and registration in California?
- How can I promote my business?
- How do I troubleshoot the Rover app?
- What is Rover's feedback policy?
- How can I have a safe, stress-free stay?
- What do sitters need to know about the Rover Guarantee?
- How does the sitter profile review process work?
- Can Rover deactivate my account?
- What are the benefits of booking through Rover?