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Where can I find more information about local business licensing and registration in California?

Some localities in California require you to have a business license or registration in order to offer your services. If you’d like to provide services as an independent pet sitter or dog walker, make sure you follow the local laws required to do business in your area, as required by the Rover Terms of Service. This can also help ensure that you’re paying all of the local and state taxes required in your area. 

Rover can’t provide legal advice, but we’d like to offer you some general information and links that may help you better understand local business licensing or registration requirements. This page is not comprehensive, but we hope it’ll point you in the right direction. Please remember other laws or requirements not mentioned here may apply to you.

Select a location below for information and resources about local business licensing/registration. If you don’t see your city listed, then please check your city or county website for information about local requirements. 

Note: If you have questions or are unsure about how laws might apply to you, it's a good idea to seek legal or tax advice. You can also reach out to your local government officials.


The City of Anaheim generally requires businesses operating within the city to obtain a business license. To learn more, you can access online information and resources about business licenses, or Anaheim’s Business License FAQs


Bakersfield generally requires businesses operating within the city to obtain a business tax certificate. To learn more, visit the Bakersfield Treasury Division.  


The City of Berkeley generally requires businesses operating in the city to obtain a business license. To learn more, you can access the Berkeley Finance DepartmentBerkeley also provides additional information about how to apply for a new business license.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles generally requires anyone who engages in business in the city to obtain a business registration. Check out the following resources below:

The LA Business Portal provides resources to help you determine whether you need to register your business and, if so, how to do it. If you need to register with the Los Angeles Office of Finance, the City offers tips before registering and an online registration portal

Los Angeles also has a small business tax exemption for many registered businesses. Learn more at the City’s Small Business Exemption FAQ.

Long Beach

Long Beach generally requires businesses operating within the city to obtain a business license and pay a business license tax. For more information, visit the Long Beach Business License Division and the Long Beach Business Portal

San Diego

San Diego generally requires businesses operating in San Diego to obtain a business tax certificate.

San Diego has a small business tax exemption. To learn more and see if you qualify, visit here

For more information about starting a business in San Diego, visit the City’s Doing Business website.

San Francisco

San Francisco generally requires anyone who engages in business in the city to obtain a business registration. The San Francisco Treasurer & Tax Collector’s website provides information to help you determine whether you’re considered a business that needs to register. If you do need to register, you can register online at the same website, which provides detailed information and a link to the application process.     

For additional information about starting a business in San Francisco, check out the San Francisco Business Portal.

San Jose  

San José generally requires persons or companies conducting business in San José to obtain a business tax certificate. To learn more, visit the San José Finance Department.

San José also has a business tax financial hardship exemption program to help certain small businesses. You can find out more online about whether you qualify for the exemption and might be able to save money.

Santa Monica

The City of Santa Monica generally requires businesses operating in the city to obtain a business license. To learn more, visit the Santa Monica Finance Department. The City also allows you to apply for a business license online

Santa Monica also has a small business license tax exemption for many registered businesses. Check out the City’s Business License FAQ to see if you qualify.


The City of Sunnyvale generally requires anyone engaging in business in the city to obtain a business license. To learn more, visit the Sunnyvale Department of Finance. The City also allows you to apply for a business license online.