Inbox Help
How do I know if I booked a service for my pet?

Once you submit payment for a booking and your sitter accepts the booking request, you'll receive a booking confirmation email from Rover. You can also view your confirmed bookings from your Rover inbox. 

Confirmation email

Once you book a service, you’ll receive a confirmation email with subject line, “Your stay is booked. Refer a friend and get $20 for your next one.”


Rover inbox

Confirmed bookings will also appear in the Upcoming bookings or Past bookings section of your inbox. To view this information from a computer:

1. Select the conversation icon to get to your inbox.

2. Click Upcoming bookings or Past bookings from the list of inbox categories.


Unconfirmed requests

If you still don't see your request, check the sections of your inbox labeled Pending requests and Archived requests. 

Pending requests

If your request is pending, then your sitter may not have accepted the booking. It's also possible that you didn't submit payment for the request. Reach out to your sitter directly to see if they're still available to accept the booking.

Learn more about the booking process.

Archived requests

If the request is archived, it means the sitter was unable to accept the request. If you still need care for your pet on these dates, it's a good idea to search for other available sitters on Rover.