Meet & Greets are easy to set up, and they're an important step to finding clients who are a great match for your sitting style.
Here are some best practices for Meet & Greets:
Avoid surprises.
If your own dog, other pets, or children will be part of the booking, have them present at the Meet & Greet. Make sure everyone gets along.
Walk and talk.
Practice walking with the dog on its leash—this will allow you to see if you have the physical strength to handle the client's dog. While walking the dog, get a sense of their behavior by observing how they respond to other people, dogs, and the rest of their surroundings in an outdoor environment.
Ask questions about the dog's personality/behavior.
Ask your client if their dog has any behavioral issues or special quirks that you should you know about. Does the dog behave differently when they're away from their pet parent? Do they have separation anxiety? Listen carefully to the answers, and ask yourself honestly whether you can handle the challenges and special needs the dog might have.
Ask your client about care instructions.
This allows you have a clear understanding of the pet's needs for the booking. Clients can include care instructions from their Rover account on their dog's profile. This article explains how they an add that information.
Clarify expectations
Make sure that both you and the pet parent understand all expectations about the stay, including the services you provide, how long the dog may be left alone, exercise and feeding routines, drop-off and pick-up times, and whatever else you consider essential to a happy booking.
Set a communication plan.
Ask your client how they can be reached while they are away. Are they traveling to a different time zone? Do they prefer to be contacted by a phone call, or through Rover Messages? Establishing these communication expectations in advance will create a better stay experience for both you and your client.
Trust your instincts.
After a Meet & Greet, if you feel comfortable with the dog and the stay expectations, then it’s probably a good fit. If you don’t feel comfortable—whatever the reason—be up front and let them know it isn't the right fit.
For more tips on how to have a successful Meet & Greet, check out these resources from the Rover Blog:
Here's What You Need to Know About Meet & Greets
An Illustrated Guide to Dog Behavior